Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Feathery Catch

Fresh Birds of Fall

Getting things done for Thanksgiving dinner- living out in the country and sharing in God's bounty and a communal farm, we got to work on the main course.

We began to raise turkeys a few years back when we acquired some wild birds wandering in from the Shawnee Forest. Since then we have successfully continued their line and raised a good flock this year.

We slaughtered 10 birds for our feast.  Here is my friend holding the bird over the pot of boiling water to begin the plucking process. Photos provided by Din Dayemi.

Here is a merry group of turkey butchers getting ready to pluck and take out the innards. Like the primary colors?

Meanwhile out in the herb garden some nice shots were taken of echinachea seed tops, which kind of look turkey-like….

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